Biodiversity and ecology A daily and long-term commitment

Because ecology runs in our veins, we have made many choices on the farm.
For us, loving and protecting nature is also valid for animals, humans, water, our resources...

Flora and wildlifeAct for them, live with them

Starting with the well-being of our animals, we have necessarily made a commitment to that wild animals and biodiversity around and far from us:

  • Become vegan
  • Donate to several animal welfare associations
  • Become an LPO refuge
  • Fence our 12 ha of meadows to create an oasis/refuge for wildlife
  • Create water areas/pools/ponds by finding sources
  • Operating without treatment since our arrival in 2018
  • Leave wild areas within 24 ha
  • Mow and maintain reasonably around the house and leave plenty of wild areas
  • Respect areas conducive to insects by creating paths in the garden and meadows
  • Build dry stone walls or old tiles to shelter multiple small animals
  • Raise awareness among our customers about environmental protection
  • Store piles of wood everywhere (for small animals, toads, snakes, hedgehogs, mouse, etc.)
  • Leave dead trees on the land
  • Install bird and bat nest boxes, houses for squirrels, insects, toads and hedgehogs
  • Living on good terms with foxes by protecting our chickens well
  • Leave reception areas for owls and swallows under the roofs
  • Plant drought-tolerant flowers
  • Plant numerous hedges with berries and flowers for pollinators
  • Leave the ivy on the trees
  • Planting trees every year since 2018

Energy sobriety and ecologyFor the group lodge and the guest rooms

The mission did not stop there, we had to organize the guest rooms and the lodging around sobriety energy and ecology, and all the complexity that this represents...

We therefore have:

  • Equipped the entire house with aerators to lower the water flow, as well as the showers with the Hydrao system to give tenants the « color » of their shower
  • Raise awareness among our tenants about energy and water conservation with multiple panels
  • Invested in very water-efficient washing machines and dishwashers
  • Installed solar lamps with motion detectors in the garden
  • Equipped the entire house with LEDs
  • Canceled our Jacuzzi project
  • Passed the Eco Tourism environmental label in Vézère
  • Systematic mulching of the vegetable garden, flowers and flower beds, with straw or wool from our sheep
  • Pushed selective sorting into each bathroom of the rooms
  • Eliminated packaging everywhere, including for our tenants (solid soaps and shampoos or filling)
  • Developed composts
  • Recycled the manure from our sheep in vegetable garden areas
  • Used recycled paper everywhere (printer, paper towels, tissues and toilet paper)
  • Worked with 100% eco-labeled products
  • Chose to serve local, organic, homemade and seasonal products for breakfast
  • Chose to switch to cloth napkins at the table
  • Changed our 2 cars for electric vehicles
  • Limited and optimized our journeys as much as possible

A grateful and generous natureConvictions and commitment rewarded

We try every year to be more and more virtuous and respectful towards this generous nature.

We regularly discover with joy that Nature gives us so much when we pamper it...

Several examples demonstrate this well:

  • Gradual return of birds, insects, snakes and small animals around the house!
  • Absence of mosquitoes, due to the return of birds and bats
  • Growing collection of blackberries each year
  • Absence of vegetable garden disease thanks to the balance of permaculture
  • Abundance of the vegetable garden thanks to manure and compost

We wish to be ambassadors for the protection of the environment and Nature for people who cross the entrance to our little paradise...

« I am firmly convinced that it is essential to start by teaching children to be respectful towards all life. »

« What you do has an impact, and you need to decide what kind of impact you need to have. »

Jane Goodall